Frequently Asked Questions:
General goat care questions:
These specific practices have worked for our farm over the years. Please consult a licensed veterinarian if you would like help developing a health plan and practice for your own herd.
Do goats need vaccines?
A CDT shot at banding and/or weaning age to each goat can be done, and a booster shot 3 weeks after that. We do give Coccidia prevention medication at 5 weeks of age, and again at weaning.
What is deworming & what do I need to do?
Light worm loads are natural among all ruminant animals. Parasites are a part of the grass and ground that they walk on and feed from. We offer an herbal dewormer in addition to their mineral all year around that we feel helps prevent heavy or unsafe worm loads. We are not against general dewormers on the market, but due to parasitic resistance we do not deworm on a schedule. We send fecals into our vet a few days after kidding when worms tend to be a greater risk or if the goat seems to be "off" in any way.
What do you feed your goats?
Generally, all our does and bucks are fed entirely on pasture, alfalfa, herbs, mineral, and black oil sunflower seeds. After kidding I make a mixture of alfalfa pellet, BOSS, and a grain mix. This helps up their vitamin and mineral intake during the feeding ages of their kids, and during milking. We believe this mixture helps us have the best quality kids, does, and milk.
What are the basics I need for my goat?
In a short answer- shelter, clean water, food, minerals, and a goat friend.
Tip 1- For a water feeder, you can remove top of a cooler, it will keep the water cool in the summer, and stop it from freezing in the winter.
Tip 2- A bored goat will become a mischievous goat. I would definitely make sure that you have "toys" your goat can plan on and around. Dog igloo's, old tires, and little plastic play sets are a great place to start!
What is dangerous to goats?
Obviously, plenty of things can become dangerous or harmful to a small animal. A few things that I feel like people don't realize are extremely hazardous are:
- Pools without fences.
- Plants such as Azaleas, Hemlock, and Wild Cherry as well as common veggies like cabbage. Please google plants poisonous to goats if your goats have access to multiple bushes and trees in their enclosure.
- Keeping their enclosure free from loose metal, wood, or ropes.
- Unsecured or broken fencing.
- The road or expansive forest.
How much space do goat's need?
Please allow at LEAST 10 ft x 10 ft PER goat in their enclosures or pastures. We have over two acres specifically only used for our livestock, and they have plenty of space to wander and play. Keeping goats in a small area will increase their chances of having problems with parasites as well as behavior. It's no secret that the happier the goat, the better they milk.
Do all girl goats need to be milked?
No! Just like with humans, a goat needs to have been pregnant and deliver to start lactating. Just because you have a female goat, does not mean you will get milk. In addition, if you did breed your goat, you have many options for milking routines that do not require as much commitment from you if you did not want added responsibility at the time.
Do all boy goats stink or pee on their face?
No! Breeding bucks are the only boys who will go into "rut" and pee on thier face. Breeding boys seem to have given goats a bad rap, but the bucks on my farm are OH.SO.SWEET!!! Temperament matters, and these boys are no exception. If you have no interest in breeding, wether your boys so that they do not become bucks.